Accidental Friends



Jonathan Small sits in his hospital room recovering from a head injury, bandages covering his eyes. He can’t see very clear that his friends are not there and no one has come to see him. That is, until he receives a surprise visit from classmate Hilda, the geeky, overachiever from a different social circle. She challenges Jonathan to join her on a sightless adventure around the rooms and within the walls of the hospital, the two form a fast friendship. But when Jonathan is discharged, he returns to his group of friends, ignoring Hilda and setting a chain of events in motion that affects them all. This smartly-written drama explores the dynamics of friendship, lost and regained.


acceptance, inclusion, influence and friendship

A Positive Impact In Overall Student Achievement

We know that arts education can positively impact overall student achievement, improve critical thinking skills and prepare students to succeed in the workforce. Students in all Union County elementary, middle and high schools receive cultural arts programs that enhance North Carolina curriculum guidelines and serve students by promoting character and moral development, creative thinking, fluency and provide tools and strategies that help contribute to a lifetime of interpersonal skills. The Union County Community Arts Council is proud to come alongside our educators to provide programs and services in 56 schools throughout Union County during normal school hours.

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